Ed 24 Been tying ...

 Bit of an update, apropos of nothing:

 As well as this blog, the Fly Fishing Forum, Facebook, and Instagram, I've now started posting things on Twitter, while I try to get my head around that particular social [or is it antisocial?] medium.

 Anyway, the photo above shows some flies I've tied recently. Ignore the three skinny ones at the back, which were given to me by a boat partner in a competition last year. The other three patterns are my most recent ties:

 On the left are four Jig Prince Streamers, after Fly Fish Food's recent post; the middle three are black lures to fish on an intermediate this weekend, but I can't remember whose pattern they are variants of. The flies on the right are [my] unweighted Twinkle Nymphs for small-river fishing this coming spring and summer, and for casting to sighted fish in small stillwaters.

 Tie on, brothers and sisters!


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