Ed 21 ... something survived!

 Back in 'Rother, no Bother' I mentioned I had to use stock photos. This was as a result of wading a step too far, forgetting my field camera was in a jacket pocket, only noticing when I pulled the camera out of my pocket, pressed the power button, then began to wonder why the camera was dripping. Distracted by the view , or what?

 This was the Sony's second waterboarding, and despite doing all I could with umpteen little packets of silica gel, airing cupboard, et cetera, it had become an ex-camera. Imagine the surprise when I found that the memory card had actually survived the incident, albeit only three pics had been snapped before I went over-depth!

Here they are, the first two show some of the mini-canyon's walls (rock faces actually), while the last was taken mid-stream, wading towards the little bend where the mishap took place! Enjoy.


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