Meon 25th October
Wading up a small river, completely steeped in the natural world, is like nothing else; it’s so good for the spirit, soul, and well-being. Casting a fly for wild Brown trout, the jewels of British freshwater, takes things to an even higher level, simply sublime. Any troubles bouncing around in my head were soon drowned by the busy noise of the stream as it whispered, chattered, and giggled on its way. The first two spots didn’t produce a take, provided you exclude the trees, but in the third little pool the pink foam indicator twitched as something inspected the size 18 jig fly, but the fish kicked away straight after my strike. I changed flies again, now trying a Red Dart jig which elicited no interest, although a ten inch Brownie actually rose to the indicator! Time to move again; a deeper channel past a large tree trunk and roots mass finally produced the goods, an eight inch Brown battling wildly having eaten a little quilled jig nymph, but nothing...