Ed 12 Wozzat?
What, you might quite rightly ask, is this contraption? Well, the second photo provides a bigger clue, and the third makes it clear. Sometimes (rarely, actually) I buy a new fly line because an old one has had it, and needs to be replaced. Perhaps the new line is to go onto a newly acquired reel? That’s straightforward, however, if you are like me, that newly purchased line might be the ‘latest thing’, or even a new addition to your armoury of lines. I can’t keep buying reels every time I buy a new line, or mission control will “want to talk about this”, so there usually follows a great deal of swapping lines, from and to, an assortment of reels, until the newest one is satisfactorily spooled and at the ready. The oldest, or maybe ‘least liked’ line ends up being stashed away, in reserve or to be passed on to someone, “it’s still got plenty of life left in it”. But, why is all this swapping around necessary you might wonder? Inevitably, your armoury of ...